Many homeowners take great pride in having a beautiful lawn. But getting to that point takes a lot of time and effort. For those who don’t feel they have the schedule or skill to maintain a yard that is the talk of the neighborhood, finding a company that provides lawn care & maintenance Edmond OK is a good option. For individuals who are able to take care of their own own lawns, three basic steps will help ensure the job is done right.
1. Seed and Feed
If you are starting fresh, there is much to consider, such as understanding the soil type, knowing which type of grass to grow and planting the seed properly. Planting grass seed during the growing season and following the directions on the seed packaging will help minimize grass growing mistakes. Equally important is feeding your grass well. Having the right fertilizer, as well as an effective fertilizer schedule will help ensure feeding isn’t done too much or too little.
2. Beat the Weeds
An effective weed maintenance program is another essential element to having a stunning lawn. Weeds grow side-by-side with grass and fight for light, water and food. Keeping weeds from growing in the first place is preferable, but having an effective weed control program will help limit the damage weeds can do.

3. Mow and Water
Many people mow the grass on the same day every week. While this may be convenient, it’s not the ideal way to maintain the lawn. A better way is to mow when the grass reaches a pre-determined height. Progressively changing the heights when you mow can be an effective approach. Watering frequently for short periods of time will help better protect grass from damage due to drought.
Following these simple steps is a good place to start when it comes growing a beautiful lawn that will last for many years.